Accreditation - Joyce E. Bellous
The Emotional and Social Competence Inventory is a guide to developing competence that enhances essential aspects of work related know how. Joyce is accredited with the HayGroup to administer the ESCI, which is a 360 evaluation. While intellect and technical skill are important, Emotional and Social Intelligence enables you to be more effective in the workplace.
Most of us are familiar with the Intelligence Quotient (IQ), which is about being smart about ideas, processes, facts, tests and techniques. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is being smart about people. The 12 competencies assessed by the ESCI differentiate outstanding from average performance. These 12 competencies are clustered in 4 main areas of ability:
- Self-Awareness: recognizing and understanding our own emotions
- Social-Awareness: recognizing and understanding the emotions of others
- Self-Management: effectively managing our own emotions
- Relationship Management: applying emotional understanding in our relationships with others
Emotional Intelligence is about having a positive effect on people and situations. EI enables you to manage yourself more effectively and your interactions with others.
Spiritual Styles
Joyce authored the Spiritual Styles Assessment, which measures how people try to make the world a better place or improve a situation. This instrument in currently used in Canada, England and Italy.
Involvement Styles
Joyce authored the Involvement Styles Inventory, which measures how people prefer to be involved in human systems, whether they are organized around family, work, religion, or civic life.
For the last decade, Joyce has administered the following assessments:
- Intellectual Style: different ways to solve problems and create products
- Learning Style: how people perceive and process data
- Deep Assumptions Style: what people want v. how they keep from getting it